Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Since that first Earth Day in 1970, people around the world have created their own ways to celebrate Earth and to renew their commitment to saving our living planet. More information about the history of Earth Day here.
Earth Day is a moment for us to think about our way of life and an opportunity to do something to protect the future of nature.
Some interesting sites to help you make the most of this day:
Earthday Network - Events, campaigns, programmes, fact sheets, tips and activities.
Earthday Network - Events, campaigns, programmes, fact sheets, tips and activities.
Environmental Kids Club - Activities to help you explore your environment and learn how to protect it.
Earth Day - News, videos and photos.
National Geographic's Green Guide - Tips to help the planet.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Simple steps you can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.
The Nature Conservancy - More eco-tips and activities
Earth 911 - Links for students and teachers.
World Environmental Organization - A guide to the best environmental web sites.
The EnviroLink Network - Lots of environmental resources.
World Environmental Organization - A guide to the best environmental web sites.
The EnviroLink Network - Lots of environmental resources.
Global Warming and Water Planet, two short films by Leonardo Dicaprio:
More videos on Earth Day Television.